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Homecoming Recap


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I thought I might share some of my observations from several Homecoming events that I attended, etc....

As some of you know, I serve on the ORU Alumni Board of Directors and we had our semi-annual meeting this past week. Different administration personnel came and shared what is happening on campus. It is exciting to see the changes and progress being made. There will be an additional $10 million worth of renovation made to the campus this summer - they are trying to determine priorities. They also said that as a result of the Whole Person Scholarship program, applications for enrollment are up substantially for next year. Giving by alumni is also up - as well as giving by first time givers. The changes over the last 15 months are breath taking and almost unbelievable.

I toured the newly renovated Prayer Tower on friday afternoon but was unable to attend the re-dedication service saturday. I hope they post pictures of the prayer room - which will be manned and led by students - with the help of the men's and women's chaplains. (They have offices in the Prayer Tower.) You would be inspired. The prayer room has several chairs/benches for people to pray - along with four small (one person)  rooms (at the corners) for private prayer. The far end of the room is a large wooden cross with numerous (+300) holes drilled in it. The students, etc can write their prayer requests on a small piece of paper, roll it up and put it in the cross.... sort of like the 'Wailing Wall'. There is a sound system where acoustical music will be player - and they play to have live music periodically too. The walls on either side of the cross are slate and will allow student to write messages or draw images. There were also five or six crosses (metal) made by ORU art students on one wall. The idea is to incorporate all of the arts (music, painting, sculpture, etc) into the experience. Only students and faculty/administration will be allowed into the prayer room - I think alumni can enter if they have an ORU alumni card.

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Part 2:

I attended the question/answer session with administration/Board of Trustees/Mart Green/President Mark Rutland on Saturday morning. I won't try to recap the whole thing - just some highlights:

1. Mart Green highlighted the changes that have occurred over the last 15 months - and that more needs to be done. He played the dvd of last year's graduation student speaker - which was very inspirational.

2. Billy Wilson (Trustee) spoke about an initiative that he is working on (in conjunction with ORU) called the Commission on Holy Spirit Empowerment in the 21st Century. He said that the number one desire of ORU alumni and donors (per a study) is for the school to become the premier Charismatic university. This commission is working with the major thinkers/scholars in the Pentecostal/Charismatic/Evangelical community to chart a course for the movement. Working groups are being conducted and a congress will be held at ORU next year (2010) from April 8th thru the 10th.

3. Dr. Mark Rutland spoke and said that his 'gravitational field' has shifted (from Southeastern) quicker than he thought it would. He is a story teller and told several of them. Dr. Rutland said that he is thinking about the power of influence in our lives - and what influence is. He said the new generation of students have a low tolerance level for position.

He mentioned the people who influenced his life:

Jimmy Buskirk - the importance of relationships

Tommy Tyson - the importance of intellectual pursuit

Jack Gray - the importance of the joy of people

Paul Walker - inspired him & taught the importance of influence

Dr. Rutland talked about different perspectives - and how ORU would get back to that. He said that 'no matter what uniform you wear - it's still baseball.'

(side note:  he uses sports stories or themes in every talk I have heard him give. Usually several in one setting.)

After Dr. Rutland spoke, they opened the meeting up for questions. Mart Green, Dr. Rutland, Billy Wilson (Trustee), Ralph Fagin (interim President/Provost) and Dave Ellsworth  composed the panel.

The first question was about financial transparency and when the audit would be posted. Ellsworth said the full audit was posted on the web site about 2 months ago and that the Form 990 would be posted when it is filed in the near future.

Lots of other questions/comments were made (it went on for over an hour); I will just try to address some.

A nursing alum who is an adjunct professor at ORU and works at a local healthcare provider asked a question about the continued emphasis/importance of nursing/healthcare to the incoming administration. Before Dr. Rutland answered her question, he asked where she was from (she had an obvious foreign accent). She said Ghana, West Africa. Dr. Rutland proceeds to speak to her in her native language & dialect. She (and the rest of us) were dumbfounded and shocked. He carried on a 2-3 minute conversation with her - and completely impressed the whole crowd. He is also fluent in Spanish - as he demonstrated by conversing with an alum who spoke to him later. Very, very impressive.

Someone spoke about the past wound caused by events/personalities. Dr. Rutland said that we need to understand that wounds are and event - while healing is a process. It would take time, but healing would occur and he looks forward to including all alumni in what God is doing at ORU.

Several spoke about good it was to come back to ORU - and that they are proud again. Dr. Rutland said he in running into ORU alums everywhere he goes now..."you guys are everywhere!" He said that ORU has a tremendous amount of goodwill stored up (alumni, etc) and just like a pinata, he is going to break it open.

Dr. Rutland said that he wants to pursue various alternative education programs (on-line, modular, etc.) He also said that the school will target students everywhere - including overseas (Asia and Africa) where ORU's 'brand' is well known.

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Thanks for the updates, Terry. This is great for those of us who weren't able to be in attendance.

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Most unusual thing I saw at Homecoming.... while coming coming back to my seat early in the second half, I saw Mart Green and Dr. Swails talking and laughing together.

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That is not the most recent Form 990.... the most recent will be released by March (?) when it is filed.

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Favorite quote of the interview:

Question: Did you at any point in the last 15 months think that ORU would close?

Oral: No. Never. If God hadn't sent the Greens, he would have sent somebody else. But I'm glad He sent somebody that I can agree with, and if ORU keeps going in the direction it is headed everybody is going to be happy!

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I'd like to get some thoughts on why we don't have an endowment fund established with the recent giving. Even if it has $100 in it. It would just be another positive step for the administration to show alum's they are thinking LONG-TERM.

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The endowment has been re-established. According to what we (Alumni Board) were told, an amount totaling $35 million was established for the endowment amount with a set 5% interest/investment amount. If the building is ever sold, the first $35 million would be set aside for the endowment. I don't know if the 5% annual interest is accrued or paid.

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Hey thanks ORUTerry, that's great to hear.

I'm just curious because I had this conversation with several students and everyone assumed it would be established when the debt was completely paid off. If it was re-established, i'm guessing we had an endowment in the past? What building are you referring to?

I appreciate the info.

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The building is the City of Faith/Citiplex. It is the basis for the existing endowment. As you stated, once the debt is paid off (hopefully in the next year), we can start an endowment program - along with a program for a new student center and continued refurbishment of the campus. We also need to continue to fund/underwrite ongoing operations - that is until Dr. Rutland get enrollment increased to maintain economic viability.

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Thanks ORU Alum for video of Oral, Green with TW.

I still say being a part of this sportsboard gives me a more objective, realistic and faith-filled view of ORU than any other avenue we alumni have.

Sometimes I feel like I'm there in Tulsa.

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Terry, were you taking notes or is your memory that good?  That was an excellent recap that my memory confirms but could not have created.

I really liked what Dr. Rutland said he learned from Tommy Tyson--that to be charismatic/pentacostal, you do not need to check your brain at the door.

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