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Why do I get the feeling that if he were white and named Barry Owens, everyone on here would love him.

The queasy feeling coming from this video has NOTHING to do with the intro or the man being sworn in as President today, but with the obnoxious people following.

They all make their pledges in this video - here's mine:  I pledge to get my entertainment from ORU athletics and not waste my money on ANYTHING coming from that bunch of clowns.

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Why do I get the feeling if his name was Barry Owens, age 65, white man with gray hair, but with the same fluid, charismatic speaking style and liberal rhetoric highlighted by deep, concrete concepts like HOPE and CHANGE, he would have never made it out of the primaries?

Why do I get the feeling that if he was an occasional attendee of an all white southern baptist church that preached the damning of America because of woe-is-me-and-my-race agendas the media would hit him so hard and never let up, he wouldn't have a chance?

Why do I get the feeling that if he actually explained in full uncensored detail his plan on the capital gains tax, the death tax, gift tax, and every other miscellaneous tax that Bush either cut or eliminated as well as the millions he wants to spend on government programs that benefit the welfare of Americans that choose not to work or hold a steady job that many of the less-informed middle income families would have never voted for him?

Why do I get the feeling if he was white, 20 years older, and spoke on hard solid concepts that he believed in instead of warm feel good huggy-kissy yay America rhetoric, the youth of this nation would have never rallied around him in a blind-leading-the-blind historic fashion as they did?

Why do I get the feeling if he and the media made a bigger deal about how he told an Abortion Rights Group in July 2007 one of his first priorities in office would be to expand the Abortion Rights Act, which includes giving partial birth abortion rights to mothers whose life/health is not in danger that so many born again Christians might have re-thought their charisma and adoration for him as a leader of this nation?

Forget the name, I'm sure it hurt him as much as it helped him...but his skin color, his youth, his charisma, and the media's attention on him as well as its attention on the mistakes of the past 8 years were the primary reasons he was elected and for a fellow ORU alumni to basically say people on here have racist undertones to their political convictions is offensive. Throw Alan Keyes or Colin Powell up there and I would have strongly considered them for my vote and I really want Bobby Jindal (governor of Louisiana with middle-eastern heritage) to look into running in 2012.

Tonight Obama will become my president and I will pray for and support him, but I predict that there will be many voters who will begin to find out and understand what he's all about in the next four years that won't be so keen on ushering in another four years of hope and change.

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Look - I wasn't meaning to offend or even challenge anyone with this video - I posted it because of the silliness of a bunch of Hollywood elites pledging to improve the world by drinking less bottled water and smiling more.  To tell the truth, I kind of ignored the intro - it wasn't until I watched it again that I realized all of those people were responding to Barak Obama's words at the beginning.  So from the standpoint of posting something that was politically provocative, I apologize. 

Because emotions run high when talking politics, and that may be especially true on this day, when our new President is being inaugurated, I'm going to lock this thread, so that we can keep our emotions channeled in the direction of ORU BASKETBALL! 

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