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Prayers for a Forum Friend


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I just heard that ttowncount is in the hospital. He had a stroke and a brain bleed. They're waiting on a final diagnosis. Please pray for him!

Update: He was able to go home from the hospital, so that's good news. Still need to pray for him, though.

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ttowncount is one of the best.  Healing prayers going up for him!!  

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God Bless TTowncount!! 🙏:tb-white:🙏

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I'm told that ttowncount responded immediately and positively to treatment at the hospital, any threat of surgery was quickly ruled out, and that he is now recuperating at home in hopes of a strong recovery.  👍 🙏 👏

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  • Dr. Cornelius pinned this topic

Praying for Ray - and for his wife. Keep us posted

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Prayers for Ray and Charlotte.  God is in control and He is always faithful.  May his recovery be quick and complete!  🙏🙏

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Thank you Lord for Ray's complete and total healing and for peace for he and his family, in Jesus name, Amen.

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I need to make it a habit to read the Free For All section of this board.  Didn't know about Ray until Bogus mentioned it Saturday.  Glad to hear that the initial news is good.  I will continue to pray for my friend Ray. I have so many fond memories from my time at ORU and after.  

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Prayers to you Ray for a complete recovery.

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How is TTownCount coming along? 😍

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13 hours ago, theeagleman5 said:

How is TTownCount coming along? 😍

The last I heard, he was in church a few days after this happened! Friends said he looks good and just needs a little speech therapy. All in all, pretty miraculous. But we still need to pray for his speech to be 100% again. 🙂

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Thanks for the update and letting us know how we can pray specifically.  Father I ask you to return Ray to wholeness.  Give him a total healing and complete return of his speaking ability.  In your Son's name. Amen.

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I reached out to a close friend of TTownCount yesterday to inquire about his condition and here is his response:

"I takled to him for about thirty minutes last night (Tuesday).  He is doing very well and upbeat.  Finally meeting with the doctor again today (Wednesday).  Hopes to regain normal activities after today, because he has been severely limited on what he could do or how much he could pick up pursuant to the previous medical restrictions., "



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Continued prayers for TTown's healing and strength. Lord, make Yourself known to him and His family. 

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