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Wright State at ORU

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Amen, OT.....The man was an absolute Sadist.....Image result for sargent hadley shawshank redemption photos


The first time I met Oral, he chewed me out. Big time! 

Every time after that, he greeted me like an old friend and never forgot my name. Flawed, but a decent person.

The first time I met Richard was at the Mabee Center, in a men's restroom at a urinal. Dude gave off a creepy vibe as he was chatting me up, while I was "in progress". 

Possibly the most (or second most) phony person I've ever known. 


I love the story Otis about the foul ball hitting Richard's BMW! Back in 1985-1988 when Richard would sometimes speak at chapel he would ask the students to give their best offering. This would infuriate my roommate as we would walk out of the Mabee Center. A couple of times as we left chapel after hearing Brother Richard deliver a life changing message and asking us broke students for$$ we saw him speeding away in his expensive BMW. Needless to say my roommate was fuming and seeing nothing but red! We went back to Grad Housing and excitedly ate Mac and Cheese and Always Save Hot Dogs! RR truly a trust fund kid!!




See the source image     = See the source image


LOL! I just enrolled you in his online school Eagleman!!


I will plan on cutting every class.....ashamed to say that TheEagleman got some practice at ORU back in the day......😜


I love it! I did too!!


I made a B in Risk Management because of too many 2:30 games at JLJ that conflicted with that 2:50 class.  

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I always had serious issues getting up in time for Dr. Paul's 7:50 Humanities class......tall task after being out until until 2am at a group prayer meeting.....🍺🍺🍺

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One semester I had business law at 7:50. I missed over 10% of the classes. Despite that my average grade for the semester was over 90% but the prof gave me a B. I think he was offended that I could miss over 10% of his lectures and still make an A. 

Oral Roberts University…where grace goes to die. 

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That’ll learn you..


I had the same deal with Dr. Snook's math class...had a 95%+ average he cut me to a B because I missed too many classes...tried to tell him I am married living off campus and working 30 hrs a week....he looked at me and said... Nuts....gee thanks, Doc...😯


At the risk of getting this thread thrown to the Free For All section, it is a shame so many of us have stories about being treated in what some would characterize as a non-Christian manner during our time at ORU.  Don't get me wrong, I love the place.  Loved my time there.  Pleased with the education that I received.  Made life long friends and grew closer to the Lord coming out of some pretty dicey teenage years.

However, I got taken to the wood shed, his words, by Carl Hamilton because he didn't appreciate my brand of Student Association activism.  A futile attempt to intimidate me.  Bobo Boyd, don't respect the man enough to call him Dean or Clarence, threatened to fine me $50 for my "nonchalant attitude" which means I didn't kiss his  butt to his satisfaction. Some Dean of Men, can't remember his name, called me to his office because I complained that his brother, man there was a lot of nepotism, had hair over his collar while doing hear checks as he handed out our meal cards.  Jack Wallace, what a putz!  I was the Executive Vice President of the Student Association and he NEVER got my name right.

On the other side of the ledger, Dr. Voight was a prince and became a good friend as we worked through Student Association issues together.  He ignored Hamilton and asked me to partner with him and we developed mutual respect and admiration for one another.  Got to have lunch with Oral and interacted with him at the annual regent's meeting.  He got my name right which was more than Jack Hammer Wallace could achieve.  His presence was truly powerful.  My professors in the Business and Humanities departments, where I spent most of my time, were great and I will always appreciate their teaching talent and their friendship.

I guess ORU is no different than the rest of the world with good and bad actors.  We just expected it to be different than the rest of the world in more ways than it was.

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