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Eli and Cheerleaders Cheer Up Child in Hospital


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Marye Lou Camp (GEC) sent a copy of this e-mail to me and said that the author (Kathy Wright) has given permission to share it.

Kathy Wright sent this e-mail to Dr. Nancy Brainard, ORU Vice President for Enrollment Services and Special Events.

The two cheerleaders were Amanda (Marye Lou's daughter) and Lei; don't know the identity of 'Eli'. The nurses asked them to visit other children while they were in the hospital because the response was so great.

I know this is not a basketball story - but it does keep things in perspective. And it shows the fulfillment of the school's mission - through the Athletic Department. (This kind of thing happens more than we know... the athletes make hospital trips that are never publicized.)


Dr. Brainard,

I was so impressed by the actions of several of your cheerleaders and cheering staff that were willing to visit my granddaughter the other day in the hospital. Their visit did wonders for her mental health and well being and I wanted to let you know what the Lord did through them.

Lexie, our granddaughter, who just turned 5 was admitted by emergency to the hospital last Friday after being examined and found to have an unusually mass in her stomach. Five doctors were called in, tests were run and she had emergency surgery this past Monday morning to remove a tumor. All weekend and before surgery we had many people praying for a miracle and intervention from God, that the tumor would be benign or even disappear before the time to have surgury. To make a long story short, the tumor was removed and tests were run showing that it was benign. Praise God.

Anyway, to get to why I am writing this email, Kim Shutton is a friend of Lexie's Mom and had asked her if she thought Lexie would like it if Eli and a few cheerleaders would come by and say hi. She agreed that that would be a good idea. So on Wed., Eli and two cheerleaders came up to her room and surprised her. The change that took place during those few minutes of exchanging hugs and hand shakes was miraculous. Lexie had become very dispondent and sullen, not wanting to eat or have people around her. But when she saw Eli and he held her hand and the cheerleaders spoke so kindly to her, her whole contenance changed. It was the first time we saw her smile since the surgery.

From there it has been only an uphill journey for Lexie. She is now home and continuing to heal.

I am impressed with your cheerleaders and with Eli and the hope and love they expressed to Lexie. I know they helped in her turn around. The ministry they have goes beyond cheering on the team and fans, but also it goes into the healing of little children that are hurting. Oral's vision continues to grow as our students go into every man's world.


Kathy Wright

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