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Question on Arkansas fans at the game


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richieoru wrote

I don't think the Maniacs alienate, if there were no maniacs I don't think more students would be there than are already going now. There has to be some way to get other students involved. I went to the TU OU game this year at TU and all of the students received a shirt from TU to wear and they had some (not tons) of pizza before the game bout 45 minutes early. ORU either needs to have some incentives or promotions to get more students to the game. We swipe our cards at every game so there is a way to keep track of attendance and maybe we could give students something....maybe an extra absense or extended curfew or extra credit or something....Personally my feeling would be to have some pizza at the game at like 6:15 for 7:05 game the early students there could get some pizza provided that they are wearing a blue shirt (we could even sell student section shirts not maniac shirts for like 5 dollars) that way students would get into the game free be able to have a little food since they probably would have to skip the cafeteria and they would be wearing a navy blue shirt for the game. All in all something must be done to get students to want to come to the games

All good suggestions that need to be on the crowd thread.

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My son's fraternity is the one that dresses crazy for the OU football games. They are on camera a lot. Do they get ANY reward from the university? Not a thing. At OU even the students have to pay for their football and basketball tickets. If they want to go to the bowl game they are just like any other student or fan. They have an absolute blast though.

Granted ORU is a different school and we aren't to the point OU is with our athletics.

And there is a lot of money saved on tuition going to a state supported school so that students can spend it on other things. ORU doesn't have fraternities. OU is definitely a larger and older school that has always used sports as the front door to the university ---frankly I'm still looking for the similarities. Once again, today's maniacs will hopefully be the GEC members of tomorrow but not if we alienate them now.

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In my experience, the reason ORU has relatively little student support is that the students who are REALLY excited to be there don't care about sports in general. A lot of the sudents who love sports didn't grow up caring about ORU, and they bring their prior allegiances with them. Add to this the fact that a lot of students don't even feel as if it was their choice to attend.

Thats a very good point you have. My friends that I attended games with liked Michigan, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Ohio State, and i'm a big Florida State fan. But we still attended nearly every ORU game that we could. The people that like sports are the ones that will come out. But, we all still talk about ORU basketball and all my friends that like all those teams still loved that ORU was in the big tourney and would probably root for ORU over their own teams. I use to get a bunch of people together from my floor and my sister wing at dinner the night of the game then we would all meet and go over together. We need more people to do that, make it a brother&sister wing function. A few die hard students can really boost the attendance of the students by bringing out lots of folks. Not sure how we would implement that, but thats how I got 10-20 people at all the games myself.

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Justafan - you are a bit behind on reading the message board huh? Do you have to work or something? :)

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I get confused with this technology stuff and thought the topic ended at page one. My fault!

But yes, I am at work. And since you mentioned it, when I was in school. If you didn't get to the games 30 minutes ahead of time you sat in the blue seats in the student section. And I believe we paid an activity fee to be able to attend the games.

Guess, as Terry stated it has something to do with the "media" generation. The real thing is no longer good enough... it has to be enhanced and then rewarded.

Just so the Maniacs understand, the GEC quite often discusses how we can support them. I know that social injustice often hinges on "just giving money", but that is the American way. You pay your dues, you pay your support and you get the benefit once in awhile. Usually, by giving your support you make it possible for others to get the benefit as well.

In the end, I guess we all give and we all get. Maybe we don't get everything we would like, but maybe its not all about me!?!?!?!?

The University made a good showing. Considering the purpose of the University, I think it was a good day in Dallas.

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Guest Mount Baldy

Wow! I'm gone two weeks and World War III breaks out! I appreciate the Maniacs coming back to Earth and acting appreciative for the benefits they receive instead of entitled. Mr. O, thanks for easing your tone. My point re: Maniacs on marketing materials was aimed specifically at basketball posters and schedule cards, not university brochures, etc. Notice the stuff Athletics distributes correctly focuses on our teams and players, NOT fans. In other news, I think we all agree the Maniacs will look for their own tickets at the NCAA Tournament next year. That solves that. As for benefits, I don't know of too many other groups that get free tickets (regular season and Mid-Con) with five rows reserved, free pregame pizza, and financial support for road trips. The Maniacs get what they deserve but don't deserve anything more than that. One a side note, it would be cool to see the Maniacs go nuts at the baseball game against OSU Tuesday night!

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You drive me nuts Baldy, it's been dead for forever, why'd you bring this stuff up again? Just drop it, you don't have to get the last word in...

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